It all begins with an intention.

Ceremonial grade cacao isn’t your bog standard chocolate, it isn’t even close to being like your organic cacao powder.

This cacao has been harvested, processed and shipped with the intention of healing the mind and making change in the world. The consciousness that goes in to every process from tree to the bag in your kitchen make this cacao of a ceremonial grade. You may be able to buy cacao like it, but the intention hasn’t been put behind it.

Cacao powered, be it organic does not contain the health and well being benefits of ceremonial grade cacao. The process that goes in to making cacao a power separates the cacao butter from the cacao solids, thus removing the nutrients and spirit of the plant.

The cacao I sell and serve is 100% “Cacao Liquor”. It is a whole and highly nutritious “super food”. It is made from the lightly roasted fermented cacao seed, that is then cracked in to cacao nibs. These nibs are then ground very very fine until they make a paste, which is called the Liquor. This is then solidified in to blocks for shipping and bagging. We then finely chop these blocks of Cacao liquor to add to water to make our Shamanic Cacao brew.


Cacao brings natural stress relief, because it contains potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, and magnesium which contribute to cardiovascular health. Cacao has the ability to trigger the release of dopamine and the endorphin; phenylethylamine, both of which soothe the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and depression. Scientific research now confirms that chocolate helps to relieve emotional stress.

Most importantly, it contains anandamide, the bliss molecule. Anandamide is an endogenous ligand that your body produces when you feel a workout “high.” It is a natural pleasure molecule that fits into the cannabinoid receptor sites of the cells of the nervous system.

Pure Cacao also contains powerful antioxidants along with a significant amount of chromium, which balances blood sugar levels. It increases the blood flow to the brain, creating more mental agility, awareness and focus.


Cacao is a powerful plant medicine and has many amazing, life-affirming qualities that support health and psychological well-being. She is a powerful Plant Medicine that helps us to release emotional blockages that no longer serve us, find forgiveness in ourselves and others, and shows us the way forward if we are stuck, or afraid of making necessary life changes. It also enables us to access stuck emotions, conditionings, patterns of behaviour and addictions that are buried deep in the unconscious.

Historically, cacao has always been considered a very powerful aphrodisiac, exotic food, and medicine, by the Mesoamerican and South American cultures, such as the Mayans, Aztecs and Spanish conquistadors. Its Greek name Theobroma Cacao literally means ‘Food of the Gods, Thea (god), Broma (food), with the Maya word Ka’kau.’

Benefits are found in the neurotransmitter modulating agents that act as natural antidepressants. Its high valeric acid content blocks the stress hormones, while triggering the release of dopamine, anandamide and the endorphin phenylethylamine, all of which are known as the ‘bliss molecules’. Cacao also contains the essential amino acid tryptophan, which increases production of serotonin, an important brain chemical that helps us remain positive and happy. These neurotransmitters also remain in the bloodstream longer after ingesting cacao, creating a natural antidepressant benefit, while the theobromine and caffeine content boosts energy levels and relieves fatigue.

Chocolate! who would have thought this humble confectionery is such a powerful medicine in its natural form? It’s time to share the love!

How does Cacao effect the brain?

Drinking Cacao, daily and in ceremony, triggers neurotransmitters:

  • Dopamine

  • Anandamide

  • Serotonin

  • Phenylethylamine

This means you feel happier as the feelings of stress and anxiety are alleviated. Antioxidants, such as flavonoids, help lower blood pressure, improve heart flow to the brain and heart.

The magnesium and tryptophan balances brain chemistry so that you sleep better at night. The release of Serotonin also naturally helps us feel more relaxed, restful and calm.

What is cacao

Cacao is a powerful but gentle plant medicine

Our cacao made using beans wild harvested in the Amazon rain forest by the Tsatsayaku tribe.

Cacao is distinctly different from chocolate. Cacao is made from the ground nibs of the roasted cacao beans.

This technique makes our cacao ceremony grade, but it doesn't just have to be reserved for use in ceremony, a lower dose can be taken daily to improve general well being.

This ground paste is highly nutritious containing a multitude of vitamins and minerals such as:

  • C, E, B1, B2, B3, B5 & B9

  • Magnesium

  • Selenium

  • Iron

  • Calcium

  • Copper

  • Zinc

  • Chromium

  • Manganese

  • Sulphur

  • Potassium