What happens in a Shamanic Cacao Journey

Shamanic Journey into the Subconscious with Cacao: A Path to Reconnection

Starting ceremony I will introduce you to Cacao, what is it, how it works and how the ceremony / journey will run.

We will then have a mini sharing circle so our intentions can be straight in our minds and spoken to the universe. We will then pick a journey card to help add direction for the journey before we drink together and you lie down comfortably to journey.

The journeying part is very similar to a guided meditation. If you follow my voice and surrender to the experience, nothing can stop you from experiencing what you need.

I will then guide you through a full body relaxation and then on to meet the spirit of Cacao. I will make informed suggestions and intuited guidance as you journey through your subconscious.

Using holy smokes, rattles and shamanic drumming as you journey if needed as you release and let go of what you need. Holding space for any emotional releases that may rise up for you.

After about an hour of journeying I will reorientate you back to the room and your physical body. Offering you perfumed smelling salts (Agua Florida) to bring you fully back to your body before you share how your journey went and we pull a moving forward card.

  • Try not to eat 2 hours before coming as the less in your stomach the more Cacao can work.

  • Intentions for cacao

  • Favourite Mug

  • Something thicker than a yoga mat if you need, you will be lying down for around 1 hour

  • Blankets and pillows aka a comfy nest

  • Open mind

  • Your loving self

  • Journal + pen

  • Water

  • Something sentimental to charge on the alter (necklace, bracelet, treasured possession.)

  • Something to offer to the alter (flower, fruit, rocks)

What to prepare and bring

Things to note about yourself and Cacao

Cacao is a powerful yet very gentle plant medicine however if you have high blood pressure, heart issues, are allergic to chocolate, are pregnant, are prone to severe anxiety or are on antidepressants, that you please notify me accordingly as it is advised that you do not consume a full ceremonial dose of cacao under these circumstances.

If you still drink coffee with any of these conditions you will be completely fine, but please make yourself known to me via email or before we start ceremony so I can dose accordingly.

Those on SSRI's must let me know as the serotonin triggered by the cacao could cause you a headache if given the full dose.

Cacao is a very safe medicine to work with, the worst side effects can be very mild discomfort (as she works through energy blockages) and a headache, this can all be avoided by listening to your body and drinking as much as your feel is right for you.